Testimonial for the New Year
Jan 05, 2010

Sometimes its good to let others know your thoughts. Glad we can help all of our members
Thank you
Let me first start of by saying “wow”. Muscle and Fitness Trainer is like nothing which has ever been done before. Cutting edge fitness and nutritional advice provided for free. All they ask is the reader remain faithful. If you are a beginner or intermediate exerciser I would strongly recommend the $5 dollar a month commitment subscription. For the price of a fancy coffee you can get access to 1000’s of exercises some of which you may have never even seen before. Also you will get the workouts sent right to your iphone.
I thought so. I’m an11 year long hardcore exerciser. I have a B.S. Kinesiology from Penn State University and I have my NSCA-CPT certification as a personal trainer. I work with clients ranging from 16-70 years old and have been personal training for four years. My girlfriend and workout partner and I have been following a standard bodybuilding split for about six months and were looking for something totally new and exciting.New Workouts
I must say we found it, each workout muscle and fitness trainer provides is cutting edge, fresh, and full of new creative exercises. Anyone who is willing to dedicate about an hour five days a week and open up the option of clean eating will see phenomenal results from any program on M&F Trainer. You can choose programs from numerous types including male, female, sport specific, or hardcore. Choose hardcore only if you dare not for the faint of heart only for those who have what it takes to “bring it” daily. Thanks muscle and fitness for a wonderful inspiring program which I’m sure will take my body and training to new heights.Cheers! Michelle- PA