The "ShowStopper" Full Body Workout

Get those head turning looks this New Year with this little tip!
Ladies…Are you ready to get that body bangin’ for 2010?
Get those noise makers screaming for this killer total-body workout that is sure to get you begging for more as you see that body tighten and tone in just under an hour-a-day. For maximum results, hit this routine 3 days-a-week, alternating with 30 to 40 minutes of cardio of your choice, on opposing days, to banish holiday bloat.
Here is what you need:
Medicine ball (6-8lbs)
Set of dumbbells (5-10lbs)
Stability ball (65cm)
32-ounce water bottle full of fresh clean water to be finished before the workout’s end Clean towel
Take one of each, both pre and post workout. A total of 2 capsules each-a-day will help support lean muscle gains and protect them during cardio peaks. SCIFFIT's® GLUTA-LYN 1500™ is a pH buffered glutamine which absorbs 100% into the bloodstream and is conjunction with SCI-FIT’s® BCAA SOFTGELS™ they are must-have supplements for anyone looking to replace fate with lean, good looking muscle. SCI-FIT’s®, WHEY ISOLATE SINGLE SERVE™ Lisa and Chady’s flavor pic—MOCHACHINO. Add water, shake and drink within 30 minutes after “The Showstopper” to refuel your hard working muscles with the protein they need to grow.
SCI-FIT’s® WHEY ISOLATE™ is sugar and aspartame free and best of all it is a rewarding treat that your muscles will love!
*Target Zone: glutes, quads, hamstrings, shoulders, core/balance and coordination. *
3 sets of 15-20 Choose a medicine ball appropriate for you 6-8lbs--No weight needed for beginners. Hold medicine ball in front of your core and a few inches from your body. Your elbows should bent, keeping your neck and shoulders relaxed. Place the right foot on top of a bench top or riser and “step-up” top of the bench as you press the medicine ball up to the ceiling, hold and exhale. Slowly lower your leg back to the ground and medicine ball to your core and repeat 15-20 reps. Alternate legs until you reach 3 sets for each side, leading on both the right and left.
* Target Zone:: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, obliques, core/balance, & coordination. *
3 sets of 15-20 Choose a medicine ball appropriate for you- 6-8lbs Start with heels under hips, medicine ball in front of your chest. Step the right foot forward bending both knees into lunge, maintaining a 90 degree flexion in both legs. as you twist you torso and rotate the medicine ball to the right side of your body as the hips remain still and back is neutral. Stand up to starting position, returning the ball to the front of your chest and repeat on the left side until you have completed 12-20 lunges.
* Target Zone:: inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings, core, shoulders and coordination. *
3 sets of 20. Choose a medicine ball appropriate for you - 8-10lbs. Stand with legs and feet turned out (approx. 3inches apart), shoulders back and down away from your ears and core tight. Squeeze glutes under while pulling abdominal muscles tight as you lower to the floor and lift the medicine ball over head. Keep arms straight throughout the movement. Return to the starting position.Be sure to keep squeezing your glutes throughout the entire movement and don't let your lower back sway.
* Target Zone:: glutes, chest, pectorals, core/balance *
3 sets of 20 Choose dumbbells appropriate for you- 5-10lbs. Lie down on stability ball with head, shoulders, and upper back fully supported. Hold the dumbbell and make a 45 degrees angle with each arm. Keep arms hovering right above the stability ball. Squeeze glutes and tighten the abdominal muscles. Squeeze chest muscles as you push the dumbbell straight up and over your chest. Then bring the weights down to the starting position. Your knees should form a right angle while seated. Keep your buttocks lifted and your abdominals pulled in throughout the entire exercise- this will keep your lower back supported. Stop if you feel back pain.
* Target Zone:: glutes, inner thigh, core/balance *
1 set of 40-50 Lie down on stability ball with your head, shoulders, upper back fully supported. Place an un-weighted ball in between your knees, engage your inner thighs and squeeze them throughout the exercise. Keep your hands on your hips, pull your core tight as you lower your glutes down and stop just before you touch the floor. Squeeze your glutes and abdominal as you lift your hips back to the starting position. Squeeze and hold to the top. Repeat.
* Target Zone:: EVERYTHING!!!! Total Body Core/Balance exercise Primarily works the triceps, shoulders, abs, glutes, hip abductors/adductors *
3 sets of 15 each side Lie face down on the ground, clasp your hands together, bring elbow directly under your shoulders, legs together, firmly place the balls of your feet into the ground and lift your torso up off the ground forming a straight line. Keep your body still as you lift your right foot off the ground, move away from body, abduct the hip/leg. Squeeze your inner thigh to bring leg back to starting position. Keep your feet off the ground until you finish all your reps on that side. Be sure to tuck your chin in so you don't strain your neck and avoid swaying the lower back and raising the hips.