Simple Math for the Fearful Female

Fear not. The weights are your friends
Contributed by Chady Dunmore
Attention Women!!!
Hey Ladies, who says that the girls can't hit those weights hard, like the guys in the gym, and reap the rewards of the super-charged, fat-burning metabolism that a solid, muscular body is famous for?
Being that I am personal trainer and fitness competitor, there are many times that I am face to face with my female clients' looks of fear when I have them to do explosive exercises with serious weight like the good, old-fashioned bench press. The constant fear of "Will this make me big and bulky?" is a familiar and justifiable question for women who don't understand how our bodies react to lifting weights. In all honesty, we are not capable of looking like the guys because we are simply not genetically and hormonally made like the guys. Weight training for women equals a sculpted, tight body that efficiently burns fat and looks hot!
Listen up
In this "SEXY SHOULDERS + WIDE BACK=TINY WAIST" two-part workout series, our goal is to add lean muscle to both the shoulders and back, that in-turn minimizes the appearance of the waistline and begins the journey to a sculpted, hourglass, feminine figure. This shoulder workout, created by Team SCI-FIT® Athlete and Fitness Expert Chady Dumore, incorporates simple and basic shoulder building exercises that pack on muscle. It is super important that your weight selection is carefully and appropriately chosen, so you ARE fatigued leading up to the required number of repetitions for each exercise.
Look out for Part 2, where we will explore and learn how back training, combined with this effective shoulder building workout, gives the illusion of a tiny, tapered waist that we all love and want.
Here is what you need:
Assorted sets of dumbbells, heavier weight selection please.
32-ounce water bottle full of fresh clean water to be finished before the workout's end
Clean towel
SCI-FIT's® KRE-ALKALYN™ 1500 is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance strength, endurance, and subsequent athletic performance. KRE-ALKALYN™ 1500 is 100% absorbable and the highest of quality creatine available today with minimized bloat and water retention that most Creatine products have today. Take 1-2 capsules of this state-of-the-art formula, once in the morning and once prior to this workout, and watch that body explode with strength and muscle.
Protein is essential for muscle-packing power and this new formulation from SCI-FIT will have your tired muscles screaming for more. Post workout…grab your shaker bottle and shake a scoop of PROT-ALYN™ with 6-8 ounces of water or your favorite beverage for the purest, highest absorbing protein available today. No bloat or tummy trouble with this lactose-free formulation that is available chocolate, vanilla or strawberry.
MADATORY WARM-UP: 6-10 minutes of easy cardio of your choice
4 sets (15, 12, 10, 8 reps) adding a few pounds as the amount of reps decrease with each)
Set-up: Sit on a bench or a stability ball with feet flat on the floor with feet shoulder-width apart.
Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand with palms facing forward.
Execution: Start with your core tight, press both dumbbells up and over your head so they almost touch (palms remain facing forward). Hold. Slowly lower to the start position. Repeat.
3 sets (10-12 reps)
Set up: Stand and hold each dumbbells on the side of your thighs, palms facing inward.
Execution: In a standing position, heals under hips and knees soft, exhale and lift the dumbbells up and out to shoulder height keeping your elbows soft. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position and repeat.
3 sets (10-12 reps)
Set up: Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees and elbows slightly soft. Grab your dumbbells and place them in front of your thighs with overhand grip.
Execution: Exhale and lift the dumbbells up to shoulder height, hold and slowly lower them to the starting position. Repeat.
3 sets (10-12 reps)
Set up:Bend over at the waist with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep a slight bend in the knees and pull your core tight to prevent stain on the lower back. Hold the dumbbells at arm's length in front of you with the palms of your hands facing each other.
Execution: With a slight bend in the elbows, exhale and raise the dumbbells to mid shoulder height. Hold and lower the weights back to your starting position. Repeat.