Feb 11, 2014

If you want Awesome Arms, you must have a PLAN!
One of the many reasons both guys and gals go to the gym is to look their best and one of the areas that are ALWAYS a focal point are, of course, you guessed it, the arms. Yet, i still am dumbfounded when I see individuals spending an entire hour long session doing a workout for their arms with little thought into the scheme, sets, reps or exercises selected. That is the problem with many who workout. 90% or better never follow a routine. Perhaps they pick the muscles they want to work for the day, and then go about aimlessly thinking on the run what they intend to do. That's like driving to an unknown destination and hoping you can go with the flow in your route and just get there. How long would that take you and how many wrong turns and circles would you take and drive in along your route? Quite a bit!
That is precisely what happens when you go into the gym and "wing it." The workout program below is JUST an arm program. Now I strongly suggest you follow a well structured properly periodized workout plan that can be found in the workout section of this site and incorporate THIS arm routine into it, however I understand and am realistic that not everyone can be convinced that is what they must do. (even though they would be wise in doing so).
Now with this particular workout program, I designed it with specific thought in mind to the sets, reps and exercise pairings. Each pairing will be done as a super set and with good reason. Super sets, tri-sets, giant sets, and HIIT training have been shown to increase muscle strength, muscle endurance and aid in the production of fat loss. Most of the workouts I write utilize these training protocols for those reasons and the selections are precise based on the biomechanics of the movements and which specific area or areas of the muscle s are emphasized.
The arms anatomy is not just as simple as BI's and Tri's although many think so, or just don't know any better. The Biceps muscle for one has both a Long and short head. Each are selectively responsible for aesthetic differences and can be targeted differently based on the exercise you perform. The Triceps are no different, other than the fact that they have 3 distinct areas or heads that make up their anatomy. Once again each can be emphasized more than the other based on the exercise selection. Then there are other muscles such as the Brachialis, Brachio-Radialis etc...Each of these muscles are active when you work your arms, however each like the heads of the bi's and tri's can be emphasized differently based on exercise selection and technique when performing each movment.
So, without further hesitation or reading, give this Husky Arms workout a try the next time you need to leave the gym with your arms draping from your torso like slabs of meat
That is precisely what happens when you go into the gym and "wing it." The workout program below is JUST an arm program. Now I strongly suggest you follow a well structured properly periodized workout plan that can be found in the workout section of this site and incorporate THIS arm routine into it, however I understand and am realistic that not everyone can be convinced that is what they must do. (even though they would be wise in doing so).
Now with this particular workout program, I designed it with specific thought in mind to the sets, reps and exercise pairings. Each pairing will be done as a super set and with good reason. Super sets, tri-sets, giant sets, and HIIT training have been shown to increase muscle strength, muscle endurance and aid in the production of fat loss. Most of the workouts I write utilize these training protocols for those reasons and the selections are precise based on the biomechanics of the movements and which specific area or areas of the muscle s are emphasized.
The arms anatomy is not just as simple as BI's and Tri's although many think so, or just don't know any better. The Biceps muscle for one has both a Long and short head. Each are selectively responsible for aesthetic differences and can be targeted differently based on the exercise you perform. The Triceps are no different, other than the fact that they have 3 distinct areas or heads that make up their anatomy. Once again each can be emphasized more than the other based on the exercise selection. Then there are other muscles such as the Brachialis, Brachio-Radialis etc...Each of these muscles are active when you work your arms, however each like the heads of the bi's and tri's can be emphasized differently based on exercise selection and technique when performing each movment.
So, without further hesitation or reading, give this Husky Arms workout a try the next time you need to leave the gym with your arms draping from your torso like slabs of meat
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Muscle Group |
Standing Bicep Curl Barbell With Band Both Arms | 2 | 15 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Cable Triceps Extension Both Arms | 2 | 15 | Arms |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Biceps Curl Dumbbell With Band Alternating Arms | 3 | 8 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Kickbacks Both Arms With Band | 3 | 20 | Arms |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
DB Cross Body Hammer Curls | 4 | 10 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Dips | 4 | 15 | Chest |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing High Bicep Curls One Arm | 1 | 40 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Close Grip Push Ups | 1 | 50 | Chest |
Week 2
Day 1
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Muscle Group |
Standing Bicep Curl With Band Both Arms | 3 | 30 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Laying On Bench Dumbbell Tricep Extension Both Arms | 3 | 12 | Arms |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Seated On Ball Bicep Curl With Band Both Arms In Front | 3 | 15 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Kickbacks Alternating Arms With Band | 3 | 15 | Arms |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Bicep Curl Barbell With Band Both Arms | 3 | 10 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Triceps Extension With Band Both Arms | 3 | 10 | Arms |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Bicep Curl Dumbbell One Arm | 4 | 6 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Cable Tricep Extension One Arm | 4 | 8 | Arms |
END | 0 | 0 | TIPS |