Jump Your Way To Fitness

Jul 06, 2010
Jump Your Way To Fitness

Get an edge on your Jumping.

There are several workout programs that are designed to make you jump higher. 

What about a workout program that can make you jump higher but also get you bigger, stronger, faster and in some of the best shape of your life?  Most vertical jump training programs use repetitive jumping, special shoes and stretching techniques to improve jumping.  All of those techniques have a legitimate place in training the legs but jumping is a movement that uses more than just the legs.  Jumping is a full body movement and for that reason it is important to train the entire body for jumping. 


In training, you train movements, not just muscles.  Jumping is a power movement-a function of strength and speed that can be further enhanced through stability. If you are doing stability, strength, speed and power training, there is no doubt you will get in some of the best shape of your life and improve your vertical jump!


Some of the stability that is involved in most vertical jump training uses single-leg exercises and balance devices, such as bosu balls and dyna-discs.  These are great, but the best way to improve overall stability is to train the core. This doesn’t mean doing sit-ups until you cramp, this means training the core muscles that help stabilize your lower back and hips (lumbo-pelvic hip complex).  Some of those muscles are the abdominal muscles that you like to show off at the beach and some of them are smaller muscles that you can’t see but are extremely important to jumping.  Additionally, these same muscles will enhance your ability to perform certain strength, speed, and power exercises that are important to jumping.


Power Channeled

The power that your legs generate in the jumping movement is channeled though your core and transferred to your upper extremities as you leave the ground and reach for your goal height.  If the core isn’t strong enough, you wont maximize your jump; as power generated in the legs will be lost and not efficiently transferred to your arms. 


Speaking of arms, these are very important to jumping as well. Jumping actually involves a movement and a countermovement. The countermovement is a backward swing of the arms as well as a squatting movement of the legs.  This loads the energy that has to quickly be converted into the jumping movement to boost you off the ground and propel you into the air.  As you can see there’s a lot involved in jumping-full body stability, strength, speed and power!


Training to improve any of these components of jumping will yield increases in your jumping ability and also your overall fitness level.  Combining all of the aforementioned components of the jumping movement into your weekly workout routines will dramatically improve your jumping ability and fitness level.  If you just want results, keep doing what you’re doing; but if you want dramatic results, try the following workout program for the next 6 weeks.  When you’re done, you’ll be stronger, faster, bigger, and jumping higher!

The Program



                                                                        Sets                 Reps


 -Power Clean                                                                         4


            Squat Jumps                                                                8


-Split Jerks                                                                              6


            Scissor Jumps                                                              12


-Speed Squats                                                                         8


            Box Jumps                                                                  6


-Hang Clean High Pull                                                            6


            Romanian Deadlifts                                                    8


-Leg Extensions                                                                      12


            Standing Calf Raises                                                  12


-Jump Rope                                                     5                      1 min.



-Wide Grip Pull-ups                                                                12


            Side Plank                                                                   30 sec.


-Military Press                                                                         8


            Plank                                                                           1 min.


-Reverse Flyes                                                                         12


            Prone Cobra (Back Extension)                                   12


-Front Raises                                                                           8


            Reverse Hyperextension                                             12


-Lateral Raises                                                                        8


            Russian Twist                                                              20


-Seated Row                                                                           12


            Hanging Leg Raises                                                    20






-Deadlift                                                                                 6


            Depth Jumps                                                               4


-Incline Bench Press                                                               8


            Plyo Push-up                                                               12


-Stationary Lunges                                                                  12


            Lateral Cone Hop                                                       20


-Dumbbell Chest Flye                                                             12


            Overhead Tricep Extension                                        12


-Dips                                                                                       12


            Jump Rope                                                                  1 min.



-Sprint                                                                                     50 yds.


            Squat Jumps                                                                10


-Close-Grip Pull ups                                                                10


            Push-ups                                                                      25


-Lying Leg Curl                                                                      12


            Seated Calf Raises                                                      12


-Barbell Bicep Curl                                                                 8


            Glute/Ham Raise                                                         12


-Hip Abduction                                                                       12


            Speed Skaters                                                             20


-Hip Adduction                                                                      12


            Alternating DB Curl                                                   20








Push yourself in these workouts-use weights that will challenge you and move the weight as fast as possible while maintaining proper form and control.  The exercises are meant to be performed as super sets.  Limit your rest between sets to 2 minutes.  Also, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes prior to your workouts and stretch after.  Go hard or go home!

Helpful exercise Videos

Power Clean

Romanian Deadlift

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