Growing HUGE Arms
Jul 28, 2010

Everyone wants to get the arms they want. The problem is they think its so difficult.
Everyone want to get bigger arms.
i don't care who you are. Men, women, athlete, celebrity, average Joe. It doesn't matter who you are or what your goal is, we all want arms that we can be proud of. They don't have to be BIG to be good looking. No matter your fancy the arms are the front door to your house that is your body. They are the signature of the initial perception of your physique.
HOW. My goals are different.
The bigger question is what can you do to get the arms you are looking for. The problem is that too many "so called professionals" make it too hard and think that they can offer their input because they know best. Bottom line is that we each one of us have the same muscle structure bio-mechanically. That simply means that just because we may differ physically, some small, some large, some husky, some skinny, etc...All of us have the same muscle structure. The only thing that makes one program truly different from the next are the small variables such as weight, exercises, sets, reps etc...Realistically the majority of individuals could essentially do the exact same workout with one little minor variable change such as weight and get the results that each individual wants with completely different goals.So give me a routine already
We keep it simple here at M&F Trainer. Here is a qick pocket to go workjout for your arms that will truely make them scream for mercy the next time you step into the gym. Make sure to grab your Strength Bands as they will be needed.
Barbell Bicep Curl with band
10x10Rest- 30 seconds between each set
Triceps Extensions/Press-down
10x10Rest- 30 Seconds between each set
Dumbbell Bicep curl
4x10Super Set
Band Kickbacks
4x10Band Biceps curl Alternating arms
High Bicep curl with Band
3x20This little gem should only take about 20-25 minutes total but your arms should be well within there limits of even being able to hold a piece of paper. Trey it out and be sure to download this program in the MY Workouts section under Muscle & Fitness Workouts