Exercise your Abs Fast

Sometimes going fast is a good thing for your abs. Check it out
Having a tight toned stomach is usually a core(no pun intended)goal of most Individuals when they spend hours a day working out and eating right. New research is shedding light on the best ways to work your abs so that you can have a stomach to be proud of and show off when summer comes around. That research can be summed up in two words:
That's right according to Spanish scientists doing explosive exercises for your abs improves the muscle development substantially.
The explosive movements tear(in a good way) the muscle fibers more than traditional slow and steady movements. The abs also have to use an elevated amount of force to complete explosive exercises. Try taking an ab exercise and increase the tempo then start using medicine balls and kettle bells in your ab routines like medicine ball rotations and kettle bell lifts super setted with fast crunches or leg lifts. Also try cutting your rest time to fatigue ther muscle faster which allows you to spend less time in the gym working on your abs and more time outside showing them off.