All Out Arms Workout
Feb 26, 2013

If you want a workout that will leave your arms feeling like noodles, then this is your plan.
I created this workout Using the NEW Community Feature on this website which allows ANYONE to create and share their own workouts and content. Yup, no more writing down your workouts in a notebook, or ripping pages out in the magazine.
I HIGHLY encourage you to start using the community to create and write you own workouts and share with your friends via facebook, twitter etc... This arm workout consists of various training protocols including supersets, trisets, pre exhaust technique, and Bookend training.
When you have been writing workouts as long as I have its important to attempt new workouts using various methods yourself to truly test the parameters of a quality workout. I promise you, this workout will have your arms so "toast" you will happily share with others to enjoy the pain together. Take care, Mike McErlane
I HIGHLY encourage you to start using the community to create and write you own workouts and share with your friends via facebook, twitter etc... This arm workout consists of various training protocols including supersets, trisets, pre exhaust technique, and Bookend training.
When you have been writing workouts as long as I have its important to attempt new workouts using various methods yourself to truly test the parameters of a quality workout. I promise you, this workout will have your arms so "toast" you will happily share with others to enjoy the pain together. Take care, Mike McErlane
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Muscle Group |
Standing Bicep Curl Dumbbell Alternating Arms | 3 | 8 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Pull-Up/ Chin | 3 | 8 | Back |
Seated Barbell Biceps Curl | 3 | 12 | Arms |
Tri-Set | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Bicep Curl Barbell Both Arms | 3 | 8 | Arms |
Tri-Set | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Seated Barbell Biceps Curl | 3 | 6 | Arms |
Standing Bicep Cable Curl Behind | 2 | 20 | Arms |
Reverse Triceps Extension/ Reverse Skullcrusher | 3 | 12 | Arms |
SUPER-SET | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Dips | 3 | 10 | Chest |
Standing Both Legs Over Head Tricep Extension Both Arms | 3 | 12 | Arms |
Tri-Set | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Cable Triceps Extension Both Arms | 3 | 10 | Arms |
Tri-Set | 0 | 0 | TIPS |
Standing Both Legs Over Head Tricep Extension Both Arms | 3 | 8 | Arms |
Standing Kickbacks Both Arms With Band | 2 | 20 | Arms |