rotator cuff injuri

Ik ben in dec 2010 geopereerd aan een rotatorcuff scheur en scheur in de grote bicepspees. Hoe start ik best opnieuw mijn workouts vanaf 06/2011?

Regards Yannick

In December 2010 I had surgery for a rotator cuff tear and tear in the large bicepspees.Hoe I start my workouts again from 06/2011? Regard yannick

A: My normal recommendation here would be to train your full body with moderate weights 3 days per week to restore range of movement and strength, However, please consult your physical therapist for guidance on this question.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is by no means intended as professional medical advice. Do not use any of the exercise recommendations or freely available dietary supplements mentioned on this blog without further consultation with your medical practitioner.