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Physique Show

Hi Mr. Hadzick,

My name is Jonathan Perilli and I have been training for a physique show for the last 8 weeks and Iam about 30 days out.  I was wondering if you had advise on routine and diet to Finnish strong.  

Thank You very Much For your Time


Start practicing your posing as early as possible and practice regularly. They do have posing clinics and seminars that may be something you want to consider – I’ve heard they have helped some people. As for diet, that is tricky because I don’t know too much about you, your current diet, and your current conditioning. What I can say is that you should try anything radical or any “tricks”. Keep working hard, stay consistent, and stick to your diet plan that you have in place. Often times people hurt themselves trying to take an extreme approach. I hope that helps and all the best with your first competition!